# Progress report for Jacobs University M.Kohlhase --- ## Financial and administrative setup - everything OK --- ## Hiring hired a research software engineer (Dr. Christian Maeder) for 6 months and two Ph.D. students (Xu He and Tom Wiesing) on 1/4 contracts. --- ## Achievements * St. Andrews Workshop on WP6 with 15 participants (from JacU, ParisSud, Versailles, Warwick, UZH, StAndrews) * Developed Knowledge-first strategy for integrating open-source components into a VRE * Implementing the basic setup for the Knowlegde-First paradigm of intetration for St. Andrews. * Working on MathHub.info portal and the underlying MMT-based build system. * First (baby) steps towards a computational foundation. --- ## Main upcoming tasks and deliverables July: D6.1 Full-text Search (Formulae + Keywords) over LaTeX-based Documents (e.g. the arXiv subset) September: D6.2 Initial DKS base Design (including base survey and Requirements Workshop Report) Both are on track. If we make progress on the KF-paradigm over the next months, we should have another WP6 Workhop in Summer to consolidate this and interface with WP3 and WP4. --- ## Possibly Relevant Events (please contribute) * 25-19 July 2016 [CICM Conference](http://cicm-conference.org/2016) (Conference on Intelligent Computer Mathematics). * relevant Tracks: CALCULEMUS & MKM * 11-14 July 2016 [ICMS Conference](http://icms2016.zib.de/) (International Conference on Mathematical Software) --> Track on WDML and Math Software/Data/Knoweldge Information Systems.