# Progress report for Simula Martin Alnæs, Min RK, Vidar Tonaas Fauske --- ## Financial and administrative setup - Everything on rails: money arrived, first expenses done --- ## Hiring - Vidar Tonaas Fauske, Postdoctoral Fellow - Start: May 1st - Duration: 2 years - Working on all Simula-lead deliverables, current focus: D4.6 (nbdime) --- ## Achievements - Progress on [D4.6: Tools for collaborating on notebooks via version-control](https://github.com/OpenDreamKit/OpenDreamKit/issues/95) - nbdime accepted to Jupyter project as [JPEP#8](https://github.com/jupyter/enhancement-proposals/pull/8) - working integration with git for CLI diffs - working prototype for GUI diffs with git difftool - Preliminary explorations for D4.12: 3D visualization in Jupyter --- ## Main upcoming tasks and deliverables - Due month 12: - D4.5 (Sage/Jupyter notebook convergence) - Workshop sprinting on exporting sage to ipynb (combining https://github.com/vbraun/ExportSageNB and https://github.com/nthiery/rst-to-ipynb) - D4.6 (nbdime) well on its way --- ## Additional Notes - Martin Alnæs is on leave from mid April to end of July.