OpenDreamKit annual project meeting: backup of the Pad for taking notes

TODO: go through this, make sure everything is in the minutes of the steering committee meeting or in the report, and then delete.


Discussion of changes to budget

Postion of Paul-Oliver DEHAYE in UZH/Michael KOHLHASE in Bremen

Things got better thanks to the SC intervention. A contract is on track.

Michael Kohlhase announces that he has received a job offer from FAU Erlangen Nuremberg. There is a high probability that he will accept this offer, effective September 1. 2016. Most of the research group will move with him, Florian Rabe (Co-PI) is not formally decided yet. The steering committee congratulates Michael and will support him in moving his group and the OpenDreamKit project to the new university.

(internal) financal evaluation

percentage of money spent, only 20.69% Pre-financing month 1 = 2 134k EUR (covers 18 months) Funds spent month 9 = 440k EUR (not everyone supposed to be hired was hired)


Wait and see. Keep calm and carry on.

Advisory board

News from Steve Linton: - we have a list of potential memebers - nobody has been contacted yet. Maybe one person was. - POD is volounteering t owrite a template email - We want to have 7 people in the AB - attention to gender equality

Link in the slides, and below:

Next meetings

January 2017 (small meeting)

June 2017 (preparation for month 24 deliveries)



- Hans: planning workshop in US
- Min: jupyter at SciPy US july / EuroSciPy august
- Min: 3D visualization at Simula in winter/spring
- Vincent Delecroix: planning a Julia/flint/Sage meeting about algebra (from polynomials to number fields), 1st semester 2016-2017 Bordeaux (?)
- Michael Kohlhase: Workshop in Edinburgh as CICM satellite, july 2017
- Olexandr: joint event with Codima's training school (Codima = extra booster for dissemination activities)
- Loic Gouarin: training school
- Software Carpentry instructor training around Paris

Communication problem

The website does not advertise enough what we are doing despite the fact that the procedure is described on the readme

Progress reports, 2016-07-01 10:21 +0200

Michael: - running around starting new discussion group - only done one single line of code, and that was a deletion - lots of fruitful discussions that hopefully pushed things in the right direction - Finalized the job offer negotiations to move to …







OpenMath in python

SCSCP Sage/OpenMath

Sage -> MMT export (Nicolas, Sam, Dennis)

GAP -> MMT export (Markus, Olexandr, Dennis,…)

Preparing for curating effort (POD, Michael )

## Towards a web UI for MMT

Dynamic documentation (Florent, Vincent, Nicolas, …)

(toward D4.5)

Finalization and review of

Legacy Sage notebook -> Jupyter conversion

(toward D4.5)

Playing around with Volker’s implementation, fixing some trivial bugs:

Explore how one could reimplement Sage-Explorer using Jupyter (Min, Nicolas)

(toward …)

Redesign of the website (Luca, Nicolas, …)

Future possibilities

Upcoming workshops

WP7 (Dima)

Future funding discussion: Cost network, … (Markus, Nicolas, Michael)

Rambling about what the consortium could be, who to encourage to lead, …



WP overviews

Sage infrastructure

Organisation of curation effort

Yesterday Florian suggested that we need to have xxx for GAP scscp server, (Markus opened a ticket) which accepts anything and returns anything, where anything can be of two types
