# Progress report for Southampton Hans Fangohr --- ## Financial and administrative setup - Everything on track it seems: money arrived, first expenses done --- ## Hiring - Hiring research fellow - Deadline for Applications: 15 December 2015 - Selection, Shortlisting and Interviews completed - Job offer request submitted in December 2015 - Anticipated Start date: 15 February 2016 - Delay in recruitment as highest ranked candidate has Croation nationality and this required additional checks regarding the EU and UK employment laws. --- ## Achievements 1/2 Main task for now: [T3.8: Python Interface for OOMMF micromagnetic simulation](https://github.com/OpenDreamKit/OpenDreamKit/issues/57) - Presentation of OpenDreamKit and Jupyter-OOMMF (JOOMMF) project at largest international Magnetism meeting (combined Magnetism and Magnetic Materials and InterMag meeting, Jan 2016, San Diego, CA, US): http://opendreamkit.org/activities/2016-01-12-joommf-talk-MMM2016.html --- ## Achievements 2/2 - Initial exploration of Python-OOMMF interface options https://github.com/fangohr/oommf-python - Meeting with both OOMMF Core developers Michael Donahue and Don Porter (13 Jan 2016) to discuss and explore interface opportunities and challenges - Set up of project webpages at http://joommf.github.io --- ## Main upcoming tasks and deliverables - [T3.8: Python Interface for OOMMF micromagnetic simulation](https://github.com/OpenDreamKit/OpenDreamKit/issues/57) ### Desirable - Like to hook up with Virtual Machine/Image/Docker/Anaconda team to include Micromagnetic software in Virtual Images and Containers [D3.1](https://github.com/OpenDreamKit/OpenDreamKit/issues/58) We have a PhD student who is keen to support the micromagnetic side (@mvousden)