# Progress report for Zurich
PO Dehaye
## Financial and administrative setup
- Employment rate past year: 0%
- Got all admin training sorted, first expenses report cleared
## Hiring
- Next year: still uncertain the exact conditions, but have seen a template to contract for rehiring me another 10 months or so. (Concerns about seniority on temporary contract)
## Achievements
- WP6 St Andrews
- "Interoperability in the OpenDreamKit Project: The Math-in-the-Middle Approach" paper
## Main upcoming tasks and deliverables
- T6.3 DKS Base Design
- T6.7 LMFDB use case
- D6.6 (due: 18) LMFDB deep modelling: Fragment Identification & Initial Model
- Work on paper summarizing MitM for Galois representations