# Progress report for Logilab
Jérôme Benoît, Florent Cayré, Julien Cristau, David Douard, Serge Guelton
Reporting period from September 2015 to February 2017
## Financial and administrative setup
- Everything OK
- Expenses: mainly salaries, a bit for workshop participations (Kick-off meeting, Sage days 77, Bremen, Edinburgh)
## Achievements (1/2)
- T3.1 Pythran [port to Windows](http://pythonhosted.org/pythran/#windows)
and [Conda integration](http://pythonhosted.org/pythran/#using-conda)
- T5.7 Pythran type inference improvements - Aliasing analysis
See http://serge-sans-paille.github.io/pythran-stories/identifier-binding-computation.html
- T5.4 Make Pythran typing better to improve information error
See http://serge-sans-paille.github.io/pythran-stories/from-pythran-import-typing.html
## Achievements (2/2)
- T4.6 A first version of an active SageMath documentation using Jupyter
notebook via [Thebe.js](https://github.com/oreillymedia/thebe) was
integrated into SageMath 7.4
- T4.8 SciviJS 3D mesh visualization components based on three.js with
basic jupyter integration
See https://www.logilab.org/blogentry/8541176
- T3.3 Debian packaging of SageMath should make it into upcoming stable release
See https://wiki.debian.org/DebianScience/Sage
## Main upcoming tasks and deliverables
- T4.6 Find the best future-proof alternative to Thebe.js and use it
to improve SageMath active documentation
https://github.com/jupyterlab/services might be the right candidate
- T4.8 Improved Jupyter integration of SciviJS, add plugins, see if
K3D or vispy can be used alongside SciviJS
- T3.4 Deploy upgraded Simulagora images with SageMath installed using
Debian packages