# Progress report for University of Silesia Marcin Kostur Reporting period from Sept. 2015 to February 2017 --- ## Financial and administrative setup First expenses done --- ## Hiring Jan Aksamit has been hired part time and performed some preparatory work on [D2.8: Demonstrator: Linear Algebra - interactive book](https://github.com/OpenDreamKit/OpenDreamKit/issues/48). --- ## Achievements ### Demonstrators We will start working on demonstrators [D2.9: Demonstrator: Nonlinear Processes in Biology interactive book](https://github.com/OpenDreamKit/OpenDreamKit/issues/49) and [D2.14: Demonstrators: Problems in Physics with Sage, Computational Mathematics for Engineering](https://github.com/OpenDreamKit/OpenDreamKit/issues/39) till summer 2016. Demonstrator [D2.8: Demonstrator: Linear Algebra - interactive book](https://github.com/OpenDreamKit/OpenDreamKit/issues/48) will start as sphinx book with sagecell code cells. The reason is that its due date is in the middle of the project (I mean it is soon for a demonstrator). If there will be any better solution we will adapt. The first commits should be available during next months. ### 3D in jupyter [D4.12: Jupyter extension for 3D visualisation](https://github.com/OpenDreamKit/OpenDreamKit/issues/86) We have created a funcional prototype od 3d jupyter widget, which will be presented on SD74 in Paris. Note that it has been funded from another source, thus we have whole amount of subcontracting amount available for its development. Perhaps the best way to go would be start the first subcontracting task after meeting in Paris in May/June. More importantly, we have established very successfull collaboration with a team, which likely will continue the development of K3D. Source of the code: [K3d-jupyter](https://github.com/K3D-tools/K3D-jupyter) --- ## Main upcoming tasks and deliverables Nothing is urgent, perhaps next big movement would be to subcontract c.a. 50% of K3D software. - Due month 24: - [D2.8: Demonstrator: Linear Algebra - interactive book](https://github.com/OpenDreamKit/OpenDreamKit/issues/48) - [D4.12: Jupyter extension for 3D visualisation](https://github.com/OpenDreamKit/OpenDreamKit/issues/86)