# Progress report for UJF
Clement Pernet
Reporting period from Sept. 2015 to February 2017
## Financial and administrative setup
- Everything on rails.
- Amendment UJF -> UGA (university name changed)
## Hiring
- Pierrick Brunet (engineer planned to be recruited à T0) found another job. UJF decided to delay this recrutement until sept 16.
- Hiring of an engineer in february 2017 (interview and selection run and finished)
## Achievements
- Research work in progress on T5.3 (LinBox) mainly started in Sept 16)
- Research work done on T5.2 (Cython-Pythran integration). PR still not merged in Cython.
## Main upcoming tasks and deliverables
- D5.2 Pythran/Cython integration: working on writing up the deliverable for T+18
- Sage days HPC in Grenoble (summer or fall 17)