# Progress report for UVersailles
Luca De Feo
Reporting period from Sept. 2015 to February 2017
## Financial and administrative setup
Move along, nothing to see here.
Main expenses: travel, laptops.
## Achievements
- [D3.1](#58)
- [you don't even need this](#43)
### TODO by M18
- [D3.2](#61), workshop planned beginning of February.
- [D3.3](#62), Python support done, waiting for instructions on report.
- [D4.1](#83), will wrap up at the end of the week (finally!).
Just wrote a neat JS trick, look at the
[source of these slides](https://github.com/OpenDreamKit/OpenDreamKit.github.io/blame/master/meetings/2017-01-19-EdinburghSteeringCommittee/ProgressReports/UVersailles.md#L28)!
## Workshops
- Participation to various ODK events.
- Just [presented ODK](http://defeo.lu/) at
[Journées Nationales du Calcul Formel](https://jncf2017.lip6.fr/).