SageMathCloud for teaching and research
Viviane Pons
## What is SageMathCloud?
An **open-soucre** online platform created in 2013 offering virtual machines for scientific collaboration.
This is a **service provider** built **on top** of many existing software (including OpenDreamKit components) and part of the **Open Source ecosystem**.
## SageMathCloud for teaching
My first experiment: a mathematic and computer science project for first year students
### First year students
* don't know much
* are not very autonomous
* often lack motivation
### I asked...
* difficult things
* with little explanations
* and lots of freedom
### And it worked!
2 phases
**Phase 1** Learn SageMath and python using notebooks on SageMathCloud


**Phase 2** Work on challenging projects in the SageMathCloud environment
### I am not the only one...
An OpenDreamKit anecdote

## How does this relate to OpenDreamKit?
We build a **toolkit**: we give the means for improving and creating VREs
## We rely on each other
SageMathCloud **relies** on many of OpenDreamKit software: Jupyter, Sage, and more...
SageMathCloud gives us a great way to **reach our users** by reducing the technical barrier.
## Beyond SageMathCloud
SageMathCloud is **one** example, but it does not answer the great variety of needs that arise.
**Goal: Give an ecosystem of solutions that work together**
## Use SageMathCloud expertise
--> D3.2: Understand and document SageMathCloud backend code