Research Software Engineer position opening at Université Paris-Sud (filled)

This is an announcement for a research software engineer position opening at Université Paris-Sud, working on web-based user interfaces and semantic interoperability layers for mathematical computational systems and databases.

Time line

Interviews in March 2018 for a recruitment as soon as possible.

Update (March 27th): after the interviews on March 21st, we selected and ranked two candidates and made an offer to the first one. Pending administrative hoops, they will take the position.


For a full-time position, and depending on the applicant’s past experience, between 2000€ and 3000€ of monthly “salaire net” (salary after non-wage labour cost but before income tax). Equivalently, what this salary represents for is a “salaire brut” of up to 46200€ yearly. We have secured funding until the end of the project (August 2019).


The research software engineer will work at the Laboratoire de Recherche en Informatique of Université Paris Sud, in the Orsay-Bures-Gif-Saclay campus, 25 km South-West of Paris city centre.

Mission and activities

Paris Sud is the leading site of OpenDreamKit, with eight participants involved in all the work packages. The research software engineer will join that team and support its efforts in WP4 and WP6, targeting respectively Jupyter-based user interfaces and interoperability for mathematical computational systems and databases. A common theme is how to best exploit the mathematical knowledge embedded in the systems. For some context, see e.g. the recent publications describing the Math-In-The-Middle approach.

More specifically, a successful candidate will be expected to contribute significantly to some of the following tasks (see also OpenDreamKit’s Proposal:

Skills and background requirements


The position will be funded by OpenDreamKit, a Horizon 2020 European Research Infrastructure project that will run for four years, starting from September

  1. This project brings together the open-source computational mathematics ecosystem – and in particular LinBox, MPIR, SageMath, GAP, PARI/GP, LMFDB, Singular, MathHub, and the IPython/Jupyter interactive computing environment. – toward building a flexible toolkit for Virtual Research Environments for mathematics. Lead by Université Paris-Sud, this project involves about 50 people spread over 15 sites in Europe, with a total budget of about 7.6 million euros.

Within this ecosystem, the applicant will work primarily on the free open-source mathematics software system Sagemath. Based on the Python language and many existing open-source math libraries, SageMath is developed since 10 years by a worldwide community of 300 researchers, teachers and engineers, and has reached 1.5M lines of code.

The applicant will work within one of the largest teams of SageMath developers, composed essentially of researchers in mathematics and computer science, at the Laboratoire de Recherche en Informatique (LRI) and in nearby institutions. The LRI also hosts a strong team working on proof systems.


To apply for this position, please send an e-mail to upsud-recruitement-research-engineer at by March 10, with the following documents (in English) attached:

Applications sent after March 10 will be considered until the position is filled.

SageMath Jupyter WP6: Data/Knowledge/Software bases Math-in-the-Middle Job opening
