Computational Mathematics with Jupyter

This workshop will take place at the International Centre for Mathematical Sciences in Edinburgh on 16-20 January 2017. It is organised jointly by the OpenDreamKit and CoDiMa projects.

We invite developers and users with programming experience (at least at the beginner’s level) interested in SageMath, GAP, Singular, Python, Jupyter, and related projects and using them in research and/or teaching.

The workshop will have format similar to previous SageMath days and GAP days. Approximately a half of the activities will be in the form of lectures and tutorials, and the other half would consist of collaborative coding and documentation sprints in parallel break-out groups, suggested by participants (to see some anticipated activities, see this discussion on GitHub).

The focus of the workshop is on various components from the Jupyter’s ecosystem and related projects such as, for example, Jupyter notebooks kernels for mathematical software systems, and their applications in research, training and teaching.


PAD for reports and discussions

The programme of the workshop and link to slides and supplementary materials could be found here.

We will hold presentations and tutorials during morning sessions, and concurrent coding and documentation sprints during afternoon sessions (except swapping them places on Thursday). Actitivies that will take place in the afternoons and their schedule will be decided at the beginning of the workshop dependently on how many people will sign up to the proposed coding and documentation sprints. At the end of each day we will hear brief reports from group activities.

Workshop dinner: Wednesday, 18th January, 18.30-21.00, Vittoria on the Bridge (19 George IV Bridge, Edinburgh, Scotland, EH1 1EN)


The International Centre for Mathematical Sciences is a mathematical research centre which brings together mathematicians and practitioners in science, industry and commerce for research workshops and other meetings. See this page for the details about its facilities and travel directions. ICMS provides Eduroam wireless network, but in order to be able to connect, you have to configure it at your home institution before travel. Alternatively, please ask for guest logins at the workshop.

Registration (closed)

Registration for the workshop is free of charge, but all participants need to register as the number of places is limited. If you plan to come, we will appreciate if you could register as soon as possible to help us with planning. The deadline for the registration is January 7th, 2017. To fill in the registration form please proceed to this Eventbrite page and click on the “Register” button and then on “Checkout”.

The list of participants can be viewed here.

Travel and accommodation

Attendees are asked to make their own arrangements for travel and accommodation. You may find some suggestions following the links below:

If you will be exploring options from the Local Accommodation page, we suggest to look at venues listed in sections 1 (South) and 2 (Central).

Financial support

Limited funding is available primarily to support young researchers without own travel funds and offering essential contributions to the workshop. If you would like to apply for support, please state the estimated amount in the registration form and provide further details on your interests, skills, and suggested contributions to the workshop. We will consider this request and will let you know.


If you have questions or suggestions, please join the discussion on GitHub here or contact local organisers by email:

You may also follow updates from OpenDreamKit and CoDiMa projects on Twitter at @opendreamkit and @codima_project.


We acknowledge financial support from the OpenDreamKit Horizon 2020 European Research Infrastructures project (#676541) and from the Collaborative Computational Project CoDiMa (CCP in the area of Computational Discrete Mathematics) (EP/M022641/1).
