This is an announcement for a full-time developer (Ingénieur de Recherche) position opening at Université Grenoble-Alpes, working on open source software engineering for computational mathematics.
contact: and
For 2 years (one year renewable) starting early 2017. Interviews will be run in December 16 and January 17.
Approx. 2200 € of monthly salaire net (salary after non-wage labour cost but before income tax).
The developer will work at the LJK lab. on the campus of Saint-Martin d’Heres, 15 minutes from Grenoble city center by public transportation.
Exact linear algebra, computing with arbitrary precision integer or rationals, and over finite field, is a core component of computer algebra software and also plays a central role in numerous computation intensive applications, ranging from algebraic cryptanalysis to experimental mathematics. The LinBox library and its components, the Givaro and the FFLAS-FFPACK libraries, form a C++ library ecosystem offering high performance implementation of the most common exact linear algebra routines. These open-source libraries are integrated in the SageMath open-source mathematics software.
Recently the FFLAS-FFPACK library has been parallized for multi-core architectures which opens way to two development directions:
- propose a framework and new implementations for distributed memory architectures and accelerators such as GPU and MIC;
- make SageMath’s linear algebra’s routines parallel by properly exposing the new features in the interface
The mission of the engineer will be to
- explore, experiment and develop new parallel implementations for exact linear algebra routines over distributed memory plateforms and GPU
- improve and maintain the interface between SageMath and LinBox;
- Participate actively in regular European development and training meetings with the other OpenDreamKit participants.
- maintain and improve the continuous integration system for the linbox ecosystem
Skills and background required
Development in Linux-like environments;
Experience with git
Experience with code optimisation, parallelism (OpenMP, MPI), debugging (valgrind, gdb);
Fluency in several of C, C++, Python, Cython;
Fluency in English;
The following are not prerequisites but would be very much appreciated:
Experience in open-source development (collaborative development tools, interaction with the community, …);
Experience with computational mathematics software, in particular SageMath or LinBox;
Mathematics background.
Applicants should send an email to and with:
A complete CV
A motivation letter
Both documents must be in an open format (pdf, ps, plain text, …) either in french or english.
The position will be funded by
OpenDreamKit, a Horizon 2020 European Research Infrastructure project that will run for four years, starting from September
- This project brings together the open-source computational mathematics ecosystem – and in particular LinBox, MPIR, SageMath, GAP, PARI/GP, LMFDB, Singular, MathHub, and the IPython/Jupyter interactive computing environment. – toward building a flexible toolkit for Virtual Research Environments for mathematics. Led by Université Paris-Sud, this project involves about 50 people spread over 15 sites in Europe, with a total budget of about 7.6 million euros.
The developer will work within a team of developpers of SageMath and LinBox, and researchers in the field of high performance computer algebra at the Laboratoire Jean Kuntzmann.