Sage Days 79 Jerusalem, Nov. 21 -- Nov. 24, 2016

Main goals

This workshop was dedicated to the thematics ``geometric combinatorics and symbolic dynamics’’ in Sage. It was also a training program for the local community in Israel with participants from the main universities (Herbrew University, Bar-Ilan University, Beer-Sheva, Ben-Gurion University, Tel-Aviv University, University of Haifa, Weizmann Institute)

OpenDreamKit implication

The workshop was mostly organized locally by Jean-Philippe Labbé and funded by the ERC Grant entitled ``Avenues in Probabilistic and Geometric Combinatorics’’. OpenDreamKit supported the travael costs of French participants.

Event summary

The event started by introduction talks and tutorials as well as installation sessions about Sage so that new comers could be initiated and guided. The rest of the week featured many specific tutorials about some mathematics features related to the thematic of the workshop. Lots of time was let open for coding and projects.


29 participants out of the 46 came from local universities in Israel.

Results and impact

As the first Sage Days in Israel, the main objective of this meeting was to introduce the software to local participants. Around half of the participants were beginners, we made around 15 installations of Sage on Windows, Mac and Linux. We allocated a lot of time for beginners to learn from tutorials but also directly from the more experienced users by personalized help. Having a flexible schedule allowed to have such help sessions.

Here is a summary of the accomplishments of the week:

*    Worked was carried out on 47 Sage tickets:
*    Around 15 installations on Windows, Mac and Linux.
*    Creation of a sample Sage package to document the process.
*    Around 10 participants got to know Sage better doing tutorials
*    Experienced Sage users answered tons of questions surrounding usage of Sage
*    We got 5-6 more experienced users to contribute to Sage by reviewing, reporting, writing tickets
*    Many discussions and healthy debates about view, plot, show and polytope in Sage
*    Some projects and discussions will be continued through future collaborations and meetings in 2017

Workshops and Conferences
