Main goals
The focus of the workshop was on various components from the Jupyter’s ecosystem and related projects such as, for example, Jupyter notebooks kernels for mathematical software systems, and their applications in research, training and teaching.
OpenDreamKit implication
The workshop has been organised by Olexandr Konovalov and Markus Pfeiffer (USTAN). OpenDreamKit speakers included Marijan Beg, Mike Croucher, Jeroen Demeyer, Hans Fangohr, Vidar Fauske, Olexandr Konovalov and Markus Pfeiffer. Many other OpenDreamKit members were attending and took part in various activities taking place during the workshop. The full list of participants is available at The costs primarily included catering during the workshop and travel expenses. Some expenses were covered by our partner project CoDiMa which supports computational discrete mathematics community in the UK.
Event summary
The workshop combined presentations and tutorials (mainly during morning sessions) with concurrent coding and documentation sprints, which were advertised to the participants to sign up. At the end of each day we heard brief reports from group activities. The programme of the workshop is available at A very detailed summary of the even is given by Raniere Silva (Software Sustainability Institute) and Hans Fangohr at
Participants of the workshop ``Computational Mathematics with Jupyter’’