Sage Days 84 Olot (ES), 2017-02-27 to 2018-03-10

Main goals

The main goal of the Sage Days 84 were to gather researcher specialists in polyhedral computations and advanced SageMath developers.

OpenDreamKit implication

OpenDreamKit organizer: V. Delecroix.

OpenDreamKit participants: V. Klein

OpenDreamKit provided the funding source for the workshop (accommodation, subsistence and travel expenses) for about 20k Euro.

Event summary

The Sage Days 84 took place in Olot (Spain) from february 2nd to march 10th. It was focused on polyhedral computations.

There were 12 registered participants. A typical day of the workshop consisted in talks and hacking session.

Results and impact

This was a development workshop dedicated to researcher polyhedral computations. We obtain interesting feedback especialy from the polymake developers Julian Pfeifle and Andreas Paffenholz. One of the achievement was the integration in SageMath of an interface to polymake (see

Workshops and Conferences
