Sage/GAP Days 86: Algebra and Words in Combinatorics Montréal (Canada) 2017-04-17 to 21

## Main goals

This training workshop was organized at the occasion of a four month CRM thematic semester [Algebra and words in combinatorics( at the Laboratoire de combinatoire et d’informatique mathématique (LaCIM) of Université du Québec à Montréal.

Taking advantage of the participation of Nicolas M. Thiéry to the thematic semester (as member of the scientific committee), this workshop was followed by a weekly half-day meeting around computational tools for combinatorics until July 2017, and computational sessions at the occasion of certain spring schools of the semester.

## OpenDreamKit implication

The Sage Days was organized by Nicolas M. Thiéry (OpenDreamKit coordinator, Paris Sud) and Sébastien Labbé (since then OpenDreamKit participant at CNRS). OpenDreamKit funded some of the invited speakers and OpenDreamKit participants. Later events were organized by Nicolas (no funding needed).

## Event summary

An intensive week with many brainstorms and coding sprints + follow up meetings.

## Demographic

31 participants (including 2 from OpenDreamKit), about half of which being female.

## Results and impact

Beside training many new Sage users and developers, the workshop and followup events boosted an active local user group at LaCIM, including a new generation of graduate students and postdocs, but also François Bergeron, a prominent figure in experimental combinatorics who used the occasion to switch to Sage. Discussions prompted the organization by this group of Sage Days 95, a one week Women in Sage workshop in July 2018, where OpenDreamKit member (Sheffield) and Research Software Engineer Tania Allard was invited as role model.

Altogether 18 Sage tickets were actively worked on during the week.

Workshops and Conferences
