Main goals
This was a teaching and dissemination meeting, by invitation from the math institute in Oujda as a satellite event for their ``Journ'ees Alg`ebre, Th'eorie des Nombres et Application’’.
OpenDreamKit implication
OpenDreamKit participants: B. Allombert and A. Page from Bordeaux.
OpenDreamKit funded travel costs for the two instructors for about 1k Euro. The organizing Oujda institute of mathematics co-funded the event, paying for all local expenses.
Event summary
This Atelier PARI/GP took place in Oujda (Morocco) from november 22nd to 23rd, it was followed by a 2-day Moroccan national research conference on Algebra, Number Theory and their Applications. There were 70 participants from all over Morocco (no registration fees).
The 2-day Atelier featured a general introduction to PARI/GP and two specialized courses in the mornings (graduate level):
- Bill Allombert ``Cryptographie et courbes elliptiques’’,
- Aurel Page ``Th'eorie alg'ebrique des nombres’’.
Afternoons were devoted to practice sessions. Bill Allombert also gave a research talk on ``Aspects combinatoires et algorithmiques des fonctions $L$ d’Artin’’ in the ensuing conference.
Slides for all talks are available at
Results and impact
This was the first purely instructional PARI/GP event, it allowed us to test the format and teaching material, thereby paving the way for future such events.