Main goals
The MathExp school and atelier organized in Saint Flour was a unique opportunity for young mathematicians to learn about computer science and the tools developed in the framework of OpenDreamKit. The event was divided in two weeks. The first one focused on 4 courses and introductory tutorials with SageMath and Jupyter. During the second week the participants were asked to develop programs related to their own research projects.
OpenDreamKit implication
OpenDreamKit organizer: V. Delecroix
OpenDreamKit provided the main funding source for the workshop (accommodation, subsistence and some of the travel expenses) for about 40K Euro. There were also registration fees and the event was cofounded with the CNRS.
Event summary
The school and atelier MathExp took place in Saint-Flour (France) from May 21st to June 1st.
There were 22 registered participants.
A typical day of the school consisted of 2 courses and tutorials on computers. During the atelier, participants worked on their own research projects asking for help when needed.
The School featured 4 courses on computer science topics directly related to mathematical computations: probability (Ana Bušić (Paris, FR)), linear programming (Xavier Goaoc (Marne-la-Vallée, FR)), formal computation (Bruno Salvy (Lyon, FR)) and backtracking techniques (Michaël Rao (Lyon, FR)).
Results and impact
We were delighted to achieve a gender equidistribution among the participants (10 female and 12 males) which is not often in Mathematics and Computer Science.
The school and workshop were very productive and beneficial to disseminate the work achieved in the various work packages. In particular all the work around SageMath and Jupyter.