SPLS Heriot-Watt University, Edinburg, Scottland, June 5, 2018

Main goals

The Scottish Programming Languages Seminar is a forum for discussion of all aspects of programming languages. They meet for a day or afternoon once every few months, at some congenial location in Scotland.

OpenDreamKit implication

Florent Hivert gave an invited talk. The cost for OpenDreamKit was therefore null.

Event summary

Florent Hivert was invited to give a keynote talk presenting his work on WP5 T5.6. The talk was entitled \emph{ Multi-level parallelism for high performance combinatorics}. Here is the abstract:

In this talk, I will report on several experiments around large scale enumerations in enumerative and algebraic combinatorics. I’ll describe a methodology used to achieve large speedups in several enumeration problems. Indeed, in many combinatorial structures (permutations, partitions, monomials, young tableaux), the data can be encoded as a small sequence of small integers that can often efficiently be handled by a creative use of processor vector instructions. Through the challenging example of numerical monoids, I will then report on how Cilkplus allows for a extremely fast parallelization of the enumeration. Indeed, we have been able to enumerate sets with more that $10^15$ elements on a single multicore machine.

Results and impact

The talk was a chance to disseminate OpenDreamKit work in a wider audience and to present the result on deliverable D5.1 and the ongoing progress on the overall work package. The fact that it was an invited keynote talk witnesses that the community is particularly interested and attentive on the OpenDreamKit progress on this matters.

Workshops and Conferences
