Main goals
This is a biennial French national meeting for young researchers in number theory (PhD students and post-docs), as a CNRS Thematic School.
OpenDreamKit implication
Bill Allombert was invited to give a 3-hours introduction to PARI/GP on the conference final day.
OpenDreamKit participants: B. Allombert from Bordeaux.
OpenDreamKit did not fund the event.
Event summary
This conference took in Besan\c{c}on (France) from june 5th to 8th. There were about 50 participants from all over France (no registration fees). The event featured three mini-courses, a presentation of PARI/GP with special focus on Algebraic Number Theory; 12 students gave short presentation of their research.
Slides for the PARI/GP presentation are available at
Results and impact
This was a successful teaching and dissemination event.