Leveraging literate computing technology for teaching: a template web site for jupyter-based courses


The Jupyter notebook is a popular tool used by thousands of individuals and organisations all over the world. The notebook popularity is associated with the paradigm of literate computing; this is a variant of the paradigm of literate programming introduced by Donald E. Knuth; under the latter the (computer) program is treated like a piece of literature addressed to humans rather than to computers. As a consequence, such programs focus on the logic and flow of human thought. Similarly, a literate computing document integrates both the data analysis and textual documentation, making the programs more robust, more portable, and easier to maintain than programs that are solely written in high-level languages.

The notebooks, or rather the Jupyter Ecosystem have found their place within research, education and data science, among many other areas, particularly promoting knowledge transfer. I first started using the notebooks when I realized that they allowed me not to only write code in a number of programming languages but also allowed me to build a compelling narrative in which analysis, documentation, and data are presented together transparently. Since then I have used the notebooks for dissemination, education, prototyping, have developed ad-hoc extensions/widgets and have helped others to use the notebooks better.

However, the emergence of novel technologies also brings a new set of challenges to overcome during their implementation and usage. This case study presents some of the work the members of ODK have done in order to bring literate programming to the classroom.


Most universities in the UK have an institutional learning platform commonly used by lecturers to share materials with students. Such a platform only allows for upload and rendering of static documents in .pdf, .txt, and .docx formats (among others). As science becomes more computationally driven, there is a greater need to increase the data and computational literacy of our students. Several lecturers and professors at the University of Sheffield wanted to migrate from using paid-license software, such as MATLAB, to open source software such as Python and at the same time, use the notebooks in their class. In addition to the notebooks lecturers need a permanent site to upload the materials, class notes, and other resources so that students can revise at any point and download the materials.

Possible solutions

  1. Use of the institutional learning platform and separate distribution of the notebooks.
  2. Use of cloud solutions such as CoCalc to manage their course content.
  3. Leverage the use of the Jupyter notebooks along with binder, Microsoft Azure notebooks and GitHub pages.

The main problem with solution 1. is the duplicate point of access for both students and the people running the class increasing the maintenance burden. We have used CoCalc in Sheffield for a number of classes (e.g. Biomedical sciences, scalable machine learning) with great success in the past. But in that case only those enrolled in the course can access the materials so unless the materials are in a service like GitHub or GitLab they cannot be publicly distributed.

We finally decided to go for solution #3: leverage the use of other open source solutions and develop a tool that could equally be used by highly literate developers and lecturers with minimal GitHub knowledge.

Time and expertise required

Assuming that the researcher is familiar with the Jupyter notebook and with GitHub, installing the Python package is as simple as doing pip install nbjekyll and the template can be readily forked or imported from GitHub ()https://github.com/trallard/Modules-template). Once this is done the publishing part should take only a few minutes. The notebooks can then be added or modified as nbjekyll will take care of the testing, converting and appropriate formatting of the books inside the repository.

A detailed guide on how to get started and how to convert the notebooks into Jekyll ready documents can be found on the Modules template documentation website: http://bitsandchips.me/Modules-template-docs/

The template enables the use of more advanced features such as embedding of reveal.js slides and linking to Microsoft Azure notebooks. All of which are also detailed in http://bitsandchips.me/Modules-template-docs/advanced

The implementation: technical bits

Thanks to nbformat it is possible to convert the notebooks into other formats, such as .pdf, .tex, .py, .html, .md and even reveal.js slides. On the other hand, it is possible to now perform regression tests on the notebooks thanks to the ODK developed tool nbval, and finally, GitHub supports and serves static websites generated using Jekyll. Thus we worked on developing a readily usable Jekyll template specifically designed for university course modules and with Jupyter notebooks as the main source of content.

It would then be possible to convert the notebooks to .md or .html and then add the .yaml header needed by Jekyll to render it within the posts. In order to remove the manual burden we developed a python package nbjekyll that uses nbformat to convert the notebook to a Jekyll post. By calling nbjekyll within the filesystem containing a Jekyll blog it will find the notebooks and convert them into Jekyll ready .md files with the appropriate front-matter needed, export the images (if any) within the notebook and correctly update the paths in the .md files so that they point to the images in the site.

In addition, when doing the conversion, nbjekyll uses nbval under the hood to perform a sanity check on the notebook. By doing so a badge is added to indicate if the tests on the notebook were successful of if there were any problems encountered during the testing phase.

Finally, as the whole site is intended to be used in conjunction with GitHub (or GitLab) the package leverages the use of version control to identify the last commit, the author and the date of the last commit and this information is added to the top of the yaml header so that it is rendered as shown in the image.

Finally, if the notebooks are hosted in Microsoft Azure, the author can indicate this in the _config.yml file and a cloud button will be added to the site so that the repository is imported as an Azure library and the notebooks can be accessed directly from the course site. This gives the advantage that the students can then clone the library for the course to their own Azure account and can start working on the notebooks without the need to install any packages locally.

To Do

OpenDreamKit contribution

Jupyter Use Cases Open Science and Reproducibility Teaching Best Practice
