Main goals
The aim of this session is to provide a forum for developers and users of mathematical software with an interest in composablity and interoperability of, and knowledge and data exchange between systems, to share experiences, solutions, and a vision for the future.
OpenDreamKit implication
The OpenDreamKit participants Markus Pfeiffer, Nicolas Thiery, and Florian Rabe organised this session, and invited the speakers.
Travel costs for Markus Pfeiffer were covered by OpenDreamKit, as well as accommodation costs for Sebastian Gutsche.
Event summary
In a single session we saw talks by Sebastian Gutsche about integrating GAP and Julia, William Stein about the challenges with SageMath integrating a wealth of software, Michael Kohlhase about the Math-In-the-Middle approach advocated by OpenDreamKit and Tim Daly about proving the computer algebra system axiom sane.
The session was very well attended which points at the demand for this technology. The ratio of talk submissions to attendees also hints at the fact that not many people have the resources to address the challenges brought up by the session topic.
Results and impact
The session enabled a lively discussion about the challenges of interfacing mathematical software correctly and so achieved one of its goals.