GAP Days Fall 2018 Siegen (Germany), 17--21 Sep 2018

Main goals

This was a meeting for experienced GAP developers and users to discuss and contribute to the GAP project.

OpenDreamKit implication

Michael Torpey and Markus Pfeiffer attended, and worked on MathInTheMiddle and PackageManager.

OpenDreamKit participants: M.~Torpey, M.~Pfeiffer and D.~Pasechnik

Event summary

This was a meeting for experienced developers and users of GAP to discuss and influence the future development of GAP. There were discussions and short talks on topics such as libGAP, Julia, and metapackages. There were also various coding sprints for the GAP system and various GAP packages.

Results and impact

M.~Torpey and M.~Pfeiffer made considerable progress on GAP’s MathInTheMiddle package, and after a discussion initiated at the meeting, M.~Torpey started and made an initial release of PackageManager, a new package for GAP.

Workshops and Conferences
