Free Computational Mathematics

This community building and training conference aims to bring together users and developers of (open source) (pure) mathematics software, including GAP, Linbox, MPIR, Pari/GP, SageMath, or Singular. Following a long trend of highly productive workshops within the various communities (e.g. the Sage-Days series), this conference will consist of keynote talks and hands on tutorials with a focus on experimental research and computational and development best practices; and plenty of free time for interactions and collaborative work.

This conference is organized by the H2020 European project OpenDreamKit, of which it will be the main public closing event.

Keynote speakers


Preregistration officially ended on January 7th. However, we may have some additional spots, which we will fill on a first come first serve basis. If you are insterested, please keep preregistering.


OpenDreamKit will cover the local expenses for all participants and the travel expenses of some participants, with priority given to students and participants from developing countries. You can apply for such funding upon preregistration; CV and similar information will help us make an informed decision.


Additional information on CIRM’s web page

Workshops and Conferences Front Page WP2: Dissemination Conference
