Trophy "Les étoiles de l'Europe"

OpenDreamKit is one of the twelve H2020 projects that will be awarded the French trophy “Les étoiles de l’Europe” in 2020 for their success and impact. There are four categories; guess which one we were elected in? That’s right, Open Science :-)

The celebration will take place online on December 16th of 2020, at 3pm.

We dedicate this trophy to all those who contribute day after day to the ecosystem of free (as in libre) software powering Open Science. OpenDreamKit was but a mean to irrigate this ecosystem with resources it dearly needs: funding of course; even more talented man power; and in particular Research Software Engineers. It is our hope that this institutional recognition will help attract more resources in the future.

And by this, we don’t just mean more projects. Software is the modern infrastructure – the road and bridges – on which science thrills. Occasionally one needs to build one more high bridge; project-based funding works well for this. But road and bridges also critically need regular maintenance and development. This too takes brilliant and dedicated people. We need to attract them and keep them. And they deserve true career paths.

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