OpenDreamKit project meeting, October 2018

At the occasion of its second formal review by the EU Commission, OpenDreamKit will have a project meeting in Luxembourg, from Sunday 28th of October to Wednesday 31st.

List of participants


Sunday 28th (Hotel IBIS Luxembourg Aeroport)


Monday 29th (EUFO building)


Tuesday 30th (EUFO building)


Project Review

~19:00: social dinner

Wednesday 31st (Hotel IBIS Luxembourg Aeroport)


Sprints and brainstorms:

Accomodation and venue

We picked Hotel Ibis Luxembourg Aeroport. It has reasonably priced rooms, which can also be shared with 2-3 people. Please book and pay your rooms and breakfast yourselves. We did not reserve any rooms so you should do this reasonably soon.

Sunday and Wednesday

Sunday and Wednesday we will be meeting in the hotel. To order coffee breaks and lunch, we need you to indicate your presence by Oct. 17 on this poll.

Monday and Tuesday

On Monday and Tuesday, a room will be provided for us in the EU building in the center of Luxembourg: EUFO building, 10, rue Robert Stumper, L-2557, room: 0170.
