ODK post-review project meeting ===
The pads for each day of this 4-day meeting are linked to from: https://opendreamkit.org/meetings/2018-10-28-Luxembourg/
09:51 we’re starting the meeting.
Location: Hotel Ibis Aéroport de Luxembourg, Salon Clausen (ground floor, just next to the hotel’s restaurant)
More debriefing
Project review / deliverable meeting
Yesterday we had a brief debriefing between 17:00 and 18:00.
Having a presentation for each work package was nice.
Spending more than two days rehearsing would not be reasonable.
One suggestion for the next project review is to do the rehearsals + cross review of the deliverables a couple of weeks before the review, to give more time to make changes.
Suggestion: Report and demo writing retreat: meet to write deliverable reports and demos; review reports written by others. Next year, reports will be due 31 Aug 2019. Getting together late August in Cernay might work.
- write or proofread deliverables
- preparing demos
- prepare posters
The demos were terribly ad hoc this time. Could we arrange an “OpenDreamKit fair” the afternoon before the review to which we invite a number of people and actually show off.
People to invite to the OpenDreamKit fair:
- project reviewers
- the advisory board (includes William Stein)
- quality review board
- Orsay Math Department
- press and other multipliers
- Cédric Villani
- Roger Mansuy, Michaël Launay, 3blue1brown, Numberphile
- Software Heritage
- Harald Schilly
- AuDiMath
We could tell people now that the date will be end of October 2019.
Show very good posters, very good demos. All that needs rehearsals
Demos require appropriate space and hardware, screens, projectors, etc.
Actions for Nicolas:
- Final review in Orsay?
- Set the dates of final review right now?
- Can direct costs cover preparation meeting for final review, even after August 31st?
- Invite advisory board
- Invite PO + reviewers on site the day before
- Reserve Proto 204
How many people?
OpenDreamKit’s collated work book
Moved to https://hackmd.io/5hTOLuyKTBqSx4jcT5Pyvw
Future funding
- Jupyter grant – EOSC call
- WP6-ish small EU project
- as a fallback one could try FET-OPEN
- Michael willing to lead
- core consortium would be the core WP6 team
- ideally <= 5 parners, <= 2M€
- funding for RSEs and research
- idea: scale the integration methods:
- alignments, phrasebooks, input-output in OpenMath
- next version of SCSCP: json via ???, proto-buffers, …
- possibly money for inviting experts from various systems
- possibly leaning over to theorem-proving people, say Isabelle or Coq
- would like to use some infrastructure call
- pretty sure not the call that Jupyter targets
- maybe small companies
- less computer algebra, more data side of things – MitM possibly has more to offer there
- interested: Dima, Orsay (SageMath + Isabelle) Florent (SageMath + Coq)
- find a call to fund RSEs for math software??
- OpenDreamKit COST to keep the community alive
- next deadline: 29 Nov 2018
- following deadline: Apr 2019?
- Marie Curie ITN – “innovative training network”
- deadline: 15 Jan 2019
- extremely competitive
- ERC synergy grant
- extremely competitive
- the EPSRC grant Mike Croucher got this year can fund one RSE
- target next year’s call of that?
About the Brexit:
- Petition in parliament with > 100,000 signatures about …
- https://petition.parliament.uk/petitions/219905
Scheduling collaboration
- PARI/GP to MitM connector
- fix cypari2 version 2 (Jeroen-Vincent): trac ticket #26442
- better UI for IPython tracebacks in Jupyter
- Packaging: Binder / JupyterHub compatible configuration including ALL ODK components.
- Erlangen and St Andrews regarding WP6
- Debriefing blog post (Nicolas, …)
- posts about the demos that we showed.
Coding sprints
- Persistent memoization (Michael T, Nicolas)