Simula Progress Report
Min Ragan-Kelley and Vidar Fauske
March 2017 to October 2018
Finance and administration
Remaining budget funds Dr.s Ragan-Kelley, Fauske to work to the end of the project. Underspending somewhat on travel, moving a small amount to personnel.
No hiring was done during this period.
- new packages for 3d visualization in notebooks: ipydatawidgets and unray (delivered D4.12, T4.8)
- Integration of nbdime into JupyterLab (T4.2)
- new Jupyter notebook extension for nbdime (T4.2)
- new JupyterLab extension for nbdime (T4.2)
- 1.0 release of nbdime (T4.2)
- improvements to nbval for testing notebooks (T4.3)
- new package thebelab for interactive execution of non-notebook webpages (T4.4)
- Extensive development on Jupyter Widgets infrastructure for visualization (T4.8)
Work in progress
- Collaboration with Jupyter team on live collaboration in notebooks (D4.15). Completion of this will be the focus of the remainder of ODK at Simula.
Workshops and dissemination activities
- Jupyter and IPython facilitating open access and reproducible research, 2nd Conference on Non-Textual Information: Software and Services for Science (S3), 2017
- Interactive 3D Visualization in Jupyter Notebooks, EuroSciPy 2017
- Hosted Workshop on Live Structured Documents at Simula in October, 2017
- Participated in Jupyter Widgets workshop in Paris, January 2018
- Participated in JupyterDay Paris, March 2018
- Participated in Jupyter Team meeting, June 2018
- Presented (Jupyter but not ODK) at SciPy in Austin, July 2018, then at JupyterCon in New York City, August 2018