Progress report for Southampton-XFEL
Marijan Beg and Hans Fangohr
April 2017 - October 2018
Finance and administration
Completed move from the University of Southampton to the European XFEL GmbH. No problems encountered. One new person (Sergii Mamedov) hired on the project for 6 PM. He is going to work part time for 9 months.
- New OpenDreamKit position advertised.
- Shortlisting and interview stages completed.
- Top three candidates are selected.
- Sergii Mamedov hired and started on 18 Oct 2018.
Updated proposal and JOOMMF work plan to reflect the removal of WP7
- T2.7 Open source dissemination of micromagnetic VRE
- Repositories for source code under
- Set up publicly accessible Jenkins/Travis CI
- Added Docker image containing JOOMMF and all its dependencies to DockerHub
- Another announcement made to the community via micromagnetic mailing list
- Conda installation done for OOMMF and all JOOMMF packages (OSX and Linux)
- Set up read the docs for every code repository
- Set up code coverage for all code repositories
- Conda packages for all three major operating systems completed.
- T2.8 Micromagnetic VRE dissemination workshops
- Workshops
- Five workshops completed
- One workshop (walk-in session) scheduled in Washington DC, USA in January 2019
- Details in the “Workshops and dissemination activities” section
- Publications, conference contributions, and tutorials listed in the “Other” section.
- Workshops
- T4.14 Online portal for Micromagnetic VRE demonstrator
- No separate machine was purchased to host it; using existing hardware at University of Southampton instead (courtesy of EPSRC Center for Doctoral Training in Next Generation Computational Modelling)
- Online portal is based on Docker and provides the anonymous use of JOOMMF
- Available here
- Allows users to re-execute the tutorial and documentation notebooks
- It will develop over time as further extensions to JOOMMF are made (T3.8 and T4.11) and more tutorial notebooks written (T4.13)
- We also employ MyBinder for running JOOMMF in the cloud
- We also have an intentyion to use EGI
- T4.13 Demonstrator: MVRE notebooks
- Jupyter notebooks documenting specific features of JOOMMF
- Tutorials used for workshops (here)
Work in progress
Further work and extensions in all work packages.
T3.8: Further developments and extensions (OOMMF Python interface)
T4.9 & T4.11: 3d visualisations of vector fields, and widgets
Workshops and dissemination activities
Four workshops have been completed in this period:
- Institute of Physics (IOP) Magnetism conference, 04 April 2017, York, UK
- details about the workshop here
- about 30 participants
- organisers did not allow us to have the details of registered participants due to data protection
- 19 participants provided their details directly to us: 6 females, 13 males
- Workshop conducted jointly with Michael Donahue - developer of OOMMF
- Workshop materials (tutorials and exercises) are available here
- Co-funded with EPSRC CCP Computational Magnetism Network (EP/M022668/1)
- Intermag 2017 conference, 24 April 2017, Dublin, Ireland
- One of the major conferences in the field of magnetism research
- 50 registered participants, plus 7 additional attendees
- Two sessions: main workshop event and the follow up session
- The follow up session was used to go into more details about specific features of JOOMMF and to receive feedback and requests from users
- Co-funded with EPSRC CCP Computational Magnetism Network (EP/M022668/1)
- 62nd Annual Conference on Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 06-10 Nov 2017, Pittsburgh, PA, USA
- One of the major conferences in the field of magnetism research
- Workshop conducted informally with JOOMMF users and people who want to start using it
- Received feedback from the users as well as the feature requests
- Advances in Magnetism 2017, 04-07 February 2018, La Thuile, Italy
- Tutorial session for all conference attendees
- Over 100 participants
- International Conference on Magnetism, 14-20 July 2018, San Francisco, USA
- Part of the official conference programme
One workshop has been scheduled for the upcoming period:
- Joint Magnetism and Magnetic Materials - Intermag conference, 14-18 Jan 2019, Washington DC, USA
- Walk-in session planned
One invited talk has been completed for the upcoming period:
- 9th Joint European Magnetic Symposia, 03-09 September 2018, Mainz, Germany
Research output acknowledging OpenDreamKit in the period from April 2017 to October 2018:
- Publications
- D. Cortés-Ortuño et al. Proposal for a micromagnetic standard problem for materials with Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction. New Joural of Physics (accepted), preprint: (2018).
- R. A. Pepper et al. Skyrmion states in thin confined polygonal nanostructures. Journal of Applied Physics 123, 093903 (2018).
- D. Cortés-Ortuño et al. Thermal stability and topological protection of skyrmions in nanotracks. Scientific Reports 7, 4060 (2017).
- M. Beg et al. Stable and manipulable Bloch point, preprint: (2018).
- M.-A. Bisotti et al. Fidimag – A Finite Difference Atomistic and Micromagnetic Simulation Package. Journal of Open Research Software 6, 22 (2018).
- H. Fangohr et al. Data analysis support in Karabo at European XFEL. Proceedings of 16th International Conference on Accelerator and Large Experimental Physics Control Systems, Barcelona, Spain (2017).
- Invited talks
- M. Beg. Skyrmionic states and Bloch points in confined helimagnetic nanostructures. 9th Joint European Magnetic Symposia – JEMS2018, Mainz, Germany, 3–7 September 2018.
- M. Beg. Skyrmionic states in confined helimagnetic nanostructures. International Conference on Magnetism and Spintronics (Sol-Skymag 2017), San Sebastian, Spain, 19-23 June 2017.
- Conference contributions
- (accepted) M. Beg et al. Field manipulation of Bloch points in helimagnetic nanostructures. 2019 Joint Magnetism & Magnetic Materials - Intermag Conference, Washington DC, USA, 14–18 January 2019.
- (accepted) R. A. Pepper et al. Fast parallel techniques for the calculation of the dipole-dipole interaction. 2019 Joint Magnetism & Magnetic Materials - Intermag Conference, Washington DC, USA, 14–18 January 2019.
- H. Fangohr. Driving simulation and data analysis of magnetic nanostructures through Jupyter Notebook. PyCON.DE, Karlsruhe, Germany, 24-28 October 2018.
- M. Beg et al. Driving data analysis through the Jupyter Notebook at European XFEL. Digital Infrastructures for Research 2018 - DI4R 2018, Lisbon, Portugal, 8–11 October 2018.
- M. Beg et al. Stable Bloch point in helimagnetic nanostructures containing boundary between grains with different chirality. International Conference on Magnetism - ICM 2018, San Francisco, CA, USA, 15–20 July 2018.
- D. Cortés-Ortuño et al. Proposal for a micromagnetic standard problem for materials with Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction. International Conference on Magnetism - ICM 2018, San Francisco, CA, USA, 15–20 July 2018.
- D. Cortés-Ortuñoet al. Thermal stability and topological protection of skyrmions in nanotracks. International Conference on Magnetism - ICM 2018, San Francisco, CA, USA, 15–20 July 2018.
- M. Beg et al. Stable Bloch point in helimagnetic nanostructures containing boundary between grains with different chirality. IEEE International Magnetics Conference - Intermag 2018, Singapore, 23–27 April 2018.
- M. Beg et al. Stable magnetic singularity in helimagnetic nanostructures containing boundary between grains with different chirality. 2nd IEEE Conference on Advances in Magnetics - AIM 2018, La Thuile, Italy, 4–7 February 2018.
- H. Fangohr et al. Data analysis support in Karabo at European XFEL. Proceedings of 16th International Conference on Accelerator and Large Experimental Physics Control Systems, Barcelona, Spain (2017).
- M. Beg et al. Stable magnetic singularity in helimagnetic nanostructures containing boundary between grains with different chirality. 62nd Annual Conference on Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, Pittsburgh, PA, USA, 6–10 November 2017.
- M. Beg et al. Proposal for a micromagnetic standard problem for materials with Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction. 62nd Annual Conference on Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, Pittsburgh, PA, USA. 6–10 November 2017.
- R. A. Pepper et al. Skyrmionic state stability in polygonal helimagnetic nanostructures. International Conference on Magnetism and Spintronics (Sol-Skymag 2017), San Sebastian, Spain, 19–23 June 2017.
- D. Cortés-Ortuño et al. Thermal stability and topological protection of skyrmions in nanotracks. International Conference on Magnetism and Spintronics (Sol-Skymag 2017), San Sebastian, Spain, 19–23 June 2017.
- D. Cortés-Ortuño et al. Thermal stability and topological protection of skyrmions in nanotracks. IEEE International Magnetics Conference - Intermag 2017, Dublin, Ireland, 24–28 April 2017.
- R. A. Pepper et al. Ground state skyrmion and helical states in confined FeGe nanostructures. IEEE International Magnetics Conference - Intermag 2017, Dublin, Ireland, 24–28 April 2017.
- M. Beg et al. Isolated skyrmion dynamics in confined helimagnetic nanostructures. Institute of Physics (IOP) Magnetism 2017, University of York, York, UK, 3–4 April 2017.
- M. Beg et al. Computational micromagnetics with JOOMMF. Institute of Physics (IOP) Magnetism 2017, University of York, York, UK, 3–4 April 2017.
- M. Beg et al. Demagnetisation energy and magnetisation variation effects on the isolated skyrmion dynamics. Institute of Physics (IOP) Magnetism 2017, University of York, York, UK, 3–4 April 2017.
- Packages in PyPi and conda cloud:
- M. Beg et al. discretisedfield 0.8.3, repository available at: available at:,
- M. Beg et al. joommfutil 0.8.3, repository available at: (2018).
- M. Beg et al. micromagneticmodel 0.8.2, repository available at: (2018).
- M. Beg et al. oommfodt 0.8.2, repository available at: (2018).
- M. Beg et al. oommfc 0.8.8, repository available at: (2018).
- M. Beg et al. joommf 0.8.4, repository available at: (2018).
VRE deployments:
- TryJOOMMF virtual research environment: (2018).