OpenDreamKit WP6 (Data/Knowledge/Software-Bases) has reported on the first use cases in two papers to be publised at MACIS 2017.
- Knowledge-Based Interoperability for Mathematical Software Systems (Michael Kohlhase, Luca De Feo, Dennis Müller, Markus Pfeiffer, Florian Rabe, Nicolas M. Thiéry, Victor Vasilyxev, and Tom Wiesing) develops the Math-in-the-Middle Ontology for computational group theory and shows a three-system use case (Sage, GAP, Singular).
- Virtual Theories - A Uniform Interface to Mathematical Knowledge Bases (Tom Wiesing, Michael Kohlhase, and Florian Rabe) extends the MMT theories to “Virtual theories”, which do not have the “load-into-memory-fully” restrictions of “concrete theories” and are therefore suited for very large data sources like the LMFDB or OEIS.
SageMath WP6: Data/Knowledge/Software bases Math-in-the-Middle Use Cases LMFDB Publications