On October 30th, OpenDreamKit will undergo its final formal review by the European Commission. We will present the achievements of all the 48 months of the project.
- 9:00: welcome by the PO
- 9:05: go-around the table, self-introductions by everybody
- 9:10: Overview (Nicolas Thiéry)
- What’s new on opendreamkit.org
- Balthazar’s use case
(Nicolas M. Thiéry)
- 9:45: WP4: User Interfaces
(Benjamin Ragan-Kelley)
including demo teasers- Jupyter collaboration (Benjamin Ragan-Kelley, no teaser)
- 3D visualisation in Jupyter (Marcin Kostur)
- Micromagnetics (Marijan Beg, no teaser)
- Enterprise training (Olivier Cayrol)
- A VRE using Jupyter and GAP (Olexandr Konovalov)
- 10:30: Coffee break
- 10:50: WP 5: High Performance Mathematical Computing (Clément Pernet)
including demo teasers- GAP HPC (Steve Linton)
- Singular HPC (Daniel Schultz)
- 11:30: Parallel demos (as teased above)
- 12:00: lunch
- 12:45: WP1: Project Management (Izabela Faguet, Nicolas Thiéry)
- 13:30: WP3: Component Architecture (Luca De Feo)
- 14:00: WP6: Data/Knowledge/Software-Bases (Michael Kohlhase)
- 14:40: Coffee break
- 15:00: WP2: Community Building, Training, Dissemination, Exploitation, and Outreach (Viviane Pons via video link, Erik Bray)
- 15:30: Wrap up and discussion (Nicolas Thiéry)
- 16:00: Assessment preparation by Reviewers and the Project Officer
- 17:00: Feedback and discussion with reviewers
- 18:00: End of review
Nicolas M. Thiéry, LRI, Université Paris Sud (SageMath, Coordinator)
Odile Bénassy, LRI, Université Paris Sud
Marijan Beg, European XFEL, Schenefeld, Germany
Katja Berčič, Computer Science, University Erlangen-Nuremberg (MathHub Data)
Erik Madison Bray
- Olivier Cayrol, Logilab
- John Cremona, Mathematics, University of Warwick. LMFDB
Wolfram Decker, TU Kaiserslautern. SINGULAR
Luca De Feo, IBM Research Zürich (Representing Université de Versailles, WP3 lead, SageMath)
Michael Kohlhase, Computer Science, FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg. MathHub
Olexandr Konovalov, Computer Science, University of St Andrews. GAP
Steve Linton, Computer Science, University of St Andrews. GAP
Clément Pernet, Univ. Grenoble Alpes (LinBox, WP5 and UGA leader)
Florian Rabe, Computer Science, University Erlangen-Nuremberg (MMT)
Marcin Kostur, University of Silesia, Katowice
William Hart, Mathematics, TU Kaiserslautern SINGULAR
Min Ragan-Kelley, Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing, Simula Research Laboratory (WP4 leader, Jupyter)